Yesterday, I went up to Ester's for my monthly scrapbook-palooza. While there, Michael called and asked what my plans were later on. Well...I planned on hanging out with HIM. Turns out he planned a totally wonderful date for us. He asked if I'd rather go see a Jazz game or Daniel Tosh perform his standup at Kingsbury Hall. Well, I was good with either but Tosh was $40.00 per ticket and we decided, eh, we can watch Tosh.0 on tv for free. Then we found that the cheapest Jazz tickets were $17.00. Come on, $40.00 for a second rate NBA team? So we decided we would go to dinner with our friends Luka and Mandy and then go to see Alice in Wonderland.
Of course, I left Ester's house late so I was racing home to have some sort of time to change from the homeless-chic look I was rocking to a date look (rare for me since we don't really go on DATES very often anymore.) While I'm driving like I-15 is NASCAR, Michael calls me and says, "You won't believe it. My mom's patient at the hospital has two tickets to Tosh and can't go (since he's...in the hospital) and wants to give them to my mom for free." Really? Are whatever Gods may be smiling down on us or what? (Author's Note: My God apparently appreciates inappropriate humor and using other's medical misfortune to my advantage). So I get home with zero time left to get ready and yes, I looked awful. So I changed my clothes and carried my makeup out to the car.
Anyway, we made it to Marketstreet Broiler about 6 minutes late...not too shabby. We had an AWESOME dinner with our friends. If you've never been there, I suggest saving your pennies (if you are low-middle class...like me) and taking a trip. We happened to be there during crab festival. I got the crab ravioli in a tomato cream sauce (which tastes suspiciously like the cream sauce I made last month...recipe to follow.) and Mike got some sort of cajun pasta. I ate too much and by the time we had paid it was 8:00 which was the time the show was starting. So we jogged up to Kingsbury (I had a crazy side ache from the ravioli overload) and sat down, literally as the lights came down.
The show was amazing. So funny and I would say better than Tosh.0...if that's possible. Sometimes I wish I could be standup comedian instead of pretending to be one so that I don't kill anyone at my current job.
Afterward, we weren't really ready to go home so Mike suggested getting ice cream. After trying to decide where to go, he remembered his friend telling him about the secret menu at Jamba Juice. If you've never heard of this, it's a menu of smoothies not on the regular menu and there are some crazy flavors. Gummi Bear, Pink Starburst, Butterfinger to name a few. We'd never done this before and, at the risk of being laughed at, Mike said, "Can I have a Reese's Pieces smoothie." The girl blinked at us a couple times and finally reached into the drawer and pulled out a menu labeled "Secret" (no kidding.). That particular location didn't have Reese's Pieces so Mike settled for Banana Cream Pie and I got Sour Patch Kids. Since I harbor severe disdain for bananas, I didn't try Mike's so I can't tell you if it was good but he said it was. My Sour Patch Kids smoothie was delicious, although I'm not convinced it tasted like the candy but I highly recommend it.
If YOU want to try the secret menu at Jamba, I suggest either asking to see it or bringing the recipe from this link: http://jambaunderground.wordpress.com/the-smoothies/
Each location has a different variety so if you bring them the recipe, you can be sure to get the one you want.
I had so much fun last night. It's really great to splurge a little on the cash and go do something really great.